Welcome to Kerygma

Kerygma homepage redesign

Kerygma is a WordPress theme made so your church can have an amazing website that’s easy to set up. We’ve created tools in it so that you can readily customize it to fit your needs and style. The name comes from the Greek word used in the New Testament for preaching.

We’ve created the theme to highlight the church’s preaching messages with strong support for audio, video and preaching series too.

Kerygma has been a popular WordPress theme for churches over the last few years. We felt that it was time to renew its design and give it some new features in order to improve its usability.

We have redesigned Kerygma and added the following new features:

  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin (create any layout you'd like).

  • Video presentation widgets.

  • Sticky header option.

  • New footer with 4 columns and background color options (widget-based so that you can easily customize it).

All new features are compatible with the previous design. If you prefer the previous format, you will find it available in Home 2 in Widgets.

The Website Theme For Your Church


Current Series

Love Revolution

Jesus said that the world will know that we are His followers by our love. In this series, we'll kick off a revolution of love that will let everyone know that we are His.

See More

Upcoming Events

Left image - right text

Duis volutpat mollis augue, eget sagittis lectus vestibulum luctus. Vivamus id orci efficitur, tristique eros vel, viverra erat. Fusce tincidunt, metus et pretium auctor, nisi justo porta ipsum, ultrices ultricies augue urna at justo. Maecenas gravida nibh vitae dolor blandit, nec egestas felis lacinia. Fusce imperdiet volutpat nisi. Morbi id ligula nisl. Proin porttitor ipsum nec placerat maximus. Curabitur vulputate dui nec blandit lacinia.


Right image - left text

Duis volutpat mollis augue, eget sagittis lectus vestibulum luctus. Vivamus id orci efficitur, tristique eros vel, viverra erat. Fusce tincidunt, metus et pretium auctor, nisi justo porta ipsum, ultrices ultricies augue urna at justo. Maecenas gravida nibh vitae dolor blandit, nec egestas felis lacinia. Fusce imperdiet volutpat nisi. Morbi id ligula nisl. Proin porttitor ipsum nec placerat maximus. Curabitur vulputate dui nec blandit lacinia.