Adding photo galleries in WordPress is simple and straightforward. This post is an example of what they look like for your visitors. Church Builder enhances these galleries by including a…read more.
Left Hand Sidebar
This post has a left hand sidebar. When this layout option is selected, a widget area will be added to the left hand side of the post. You can add…read more.
Church Picnic
You can use posts to share what’s happened at events or just about anything else. Pages are more appropriate for things that don’t change often like the churches about page…read more.
Create a Blog
Did you know that it’s simple to create a blog as part of your Church Builder site? Here’s what to do: Create a new page for your blog and publish…read more.
Right Hand Sidebar
Church Builder is designed with three different layout options for posts: right hand sidebar, left hand sidebar, and no sidebar. This post shows how things look with a right hand…read more.
Post With A Video
This post shows you what a video looks like in the midst of your content. Did you know that adding a video to a page or post is trivially easy?…read more.