This post was inspired by the John Mayer song, Say so I thought we’d show off WordPress’ ability to embed songs directly from Spotify. Adding an embed from Spotify (or lots of other services) is a piece of cake. Just enter the URL to the media on it’s own line and WordPress will take care […]
I Love Mountain Biking But This…
I’ve been a mountain biker since 1988 and while I’ve done some crazy things on a bike, if I tried this course, I’d end up in a world of pain. Still you’ve got to admire the skill the riders have even if you question their sanity.
The Adventures Of A Cardboard Box
Last summer on vacation, we saw this short film before the main attraction at an independent theater we stopped in. It took me right back to my childhood. Few things are as much fun as a cardboard box and an active imagination. Take a minute to watch this film and I’m sure you’ll agree.
Welcome To Autumn
It’s hard to imagine, but fall is finally here. I passed a truck full of pumpkins headed to the store. The mornings are cool and football is on TV every day but Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I love this time of the year.
Block Quote
This post comes with a blockquote in it. They can be useful to actually quote someone or to simply make some text stand out. It’s a style that you can add simply by clicking the quote button in your post editor. Here’s an example: Ideally this would be a statement so profound and amazing that […]