Responsive Design

Progress is designed to respond to the device that’s being used to view it. If you’re using a smart phone like an iPhone or Android, it will orient itself to give you the best view. Step up to an iPad or other tablet, and the view will also be tailored for the environment.

But not only does the form of the theme adapt, the slideshow on the home page is touch enabled so you can swipe through the images using your fingers. Now your visitors won’t need to search for tiny buttons to press to control a slideshow; they can just use their devices as they normally would.

Gallery Post Format

Progress also uses the same touch enabled slideshow on the home page to power the gallery image format. It’s a great way to show off your images. Just upload the images you’d like to use on the page/post where you’d like to use the slideshow. You don’t even have to insert it into the post for them to be included in the gallery slideshow.

You can still use the original gallery that’s included in WordPress if you’d rather. This just makes it simple to add a slideshow at the top of any page or post.

Sample Comments

Once you’ve written an amazing post to your blog, you’ll want to engage your readers with thoughtful responses to the comments they leave. Progress includes support for threaded comments so you (and your visitors) can easily follow what people are saying. Check out the examples below.

Video Post Format

This post is an example of a video format. You can use this option with both pages and posts to give you flexibility in your content. Pretty nifty if you ask me. The video is called “Danger Planet” by Justin Burke on Vimeo.

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Image Post Format


This post is an example of one with that uses the image post format. It provides room for a large image, just above the content. Just add a featured image to the post and select the format to use it. It’s that simple.

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Post With A Lightbox Gallery

This page gives you an example of the lightbox gallery that is part of the Progress theme. It’s easy to use; just upload the images you’d like to include on the page/post you’re working on. Once you’ve done that, just click “Insert Gallery” and WordPress will create a stylish gallery for you at that point.

If you’d rather not use the included lightbox effect, you can just turn it off in the theme options page and the default WordPress gallery will be back without the lightbox.

Now that you know how easy it is to add an image gallery, you’ll need to find images. You can take your own, or purchase some stock images from a site like Think Stock.